paul warloski headshot

More than just a coach

About Paul Warloski

In my past life, I was a writer and reporter out of college. I then spent 23 years as a middle school English teacher.

Now, I bring the lessons and experiences of my life to my clients as a coach for everyday athletes.

And I bring my teaching experience to yoga classes to help people build mobility and strength.

My training focuses on not just helping people get stronger, but helping them move more comfortably and do hard things!

And in training to reach their cycling and running adventure goals, I support clients to learn to value the process of training and goal setting, lessons that can bring joy and health for the rest of their lives.


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Endurance Training: Build the stamina needed for those long, grueling races.

Intervals: Optimize your workouts to improve speed and performance.

Strength Training: Increase your power and resilience on the bike.

Mental Skills: Develop the mental toughness to push through challenging moments.

Nutrition: Fuel your body for peak performance and rapid recovery.

Recovery: Learn the best strategies to bounce back stronger after every race.

  • Training for Cyclists Over 50: Tailored tips to help you stay competitive and strong.

Our newsletter delivers weekly training tips and insights specifically for everyday endurance athletes like you. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your training, improve your performance, and stay ahead of the competition.

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I Taught Middle school For 23 years; I got YOu

The only way to be an effective middle school teacher is to be a little crazy and create as much fun as possible.

I was more of a coach than a teacher, convincing, cajoling, and persuading 12 to 14-year-olds that they could be brilliant writers and discriminating readers - if they just put in the work.

And, most of the time, I was successful.

If I could get adolescents to improve their performance in school, just think what we can do together in your training!

paul warloski middle school teacher
paul warloski riding a bike in a competition

Yoga, Strength, and Cycliing

Certifications and experience

  • USA Cycling Level 3 certified coach
  • NICA Level 1 (mountain bike coaching for middle and high school kids)
  • RRCA (Road Runners Club of America) certified coach
  • RYT-200 certified yoga instructor
  • Personal Training (NCCA-certified)

My History As an Athlete

As a kid, I played basketball, football (the coaches put my tall, skinny self on the line, and I got crushed), baseball, and, in high school, a lot of tennis.

Lifelong asthma has always been a challenge for me, but endurance sports shaped my life.

And I coaxed as much success out of my body and lungs as I could with persistent and consistent training.

I did:

  • cross country skiing: Birkie and some other marathon events plus shorter races
  • rowing (eight-man crew) in college
  • bicycles: riding and racing road, mountain, cyclocross, and commuting
  • running: a lot of 5 and 10k races and finished one marathon – which was enough for my knees
  • plus hiking, some rock climbing
  • I’ve also been a high school and middle school basketball coach
deadlife and squat coach
paul warloski yoga

I owe a lot to my family. My amazingly tolerant and supportive wife, Kate, and teenager, Sarah, continue to support my athletic addictions and coaching business.

Seven Reasons to work with me as your endurance coach

If you’re going to spend the money for an endurance coach, we need to be the right fit for each other.

I am not a former pro turned coach, a ripped, six-pack-showing no-shirt gym trainer, or a pretzely former dancer teaching yoga.

However, I am a former teacher, life-long cyclist and runner, and certified yoga instructor.

And I have years of research, certifications, and a lifetime of learning to fail better to clients who want to improve their strength, mobility, and endurance.

Here are seven reasons to choose Simple Endurance Coaching:


paul and katherine warloski
paul warloski cycling coach


I use the best available science and research-based methods to support you getting stronger, improving your performance, and having fun in your sport.

And the research clearly points to a holistic approach with endurance sports training: lots of long, easy distances; some really hard intervals; more strength training than you think; yoga for recovery/ rest/ mental fitness/ mobility.

So the principles of effective, research-based training for endurance sports are pretty simple: Go easy, go hard, lift heavy things, do yoga, and rest.

My coach, Paul, saw something in me that I didn’t see. He insisted that I do hard things with weights. I got stronger, but more importantly I developed confidence.

I’ve done hard things all of my life – as we all have – but never thought I could do hard athletic things. Coach Paul taught me that I can.

Today I was going to try to swim 1000 yards without taking a rest. As I approached 750 yards I was wanting to quit. But it occurred to me that I can do hard athletic things. Not only did I get my 1000 yards done, but I did it at a pace I’ll need to have when I do my first 70.3 next June. This was my longest, fastest swim since my surgery. Thank you, Paul!

- Eileen W.

I met Paul several years ago when he led a cyclocross clinic that I attended. His passion for teaching/coaching athletes was evident even then.

After he started his coaching/personal training business in 2019, I threw my hat in the ring to be part of his “adventure crew” in 2021 and was ecstatic to be chosen! Paul shifted our focus to handle what I could while working to build my aerobic base from basically nothing leading into the offseason.

I have been well supported and well guided in the process of starting to regain my cycling fitness, learning a lot from Paul about things like Heart Rate Variability to help me train/recover more effectively. I highly recommend Paul as a coach/guide!

- Kevin T

Simple Endurance Coaching supports everyday endurance athletes with holistic, personalized coaching to accomplish their adventure and bucket list goals.

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