What's Working in Endurance Sport Training for Everyday Cyclists and Runners Simple Endurance Coaching Blog

Your Guide to Strength Training for Everyday Cyclists and Runners

Are you an everyday cyclist or runner looking to take your performance to the next level? 

If so, then you're in the right place! 

Strength training is a game-changer when it comes to enhancing your cycling and running abilities. 

Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting out, incorporating strength training into your routine can help improve speed, endurance, and overall performance. 

In this guide, we will debunk common misconceptions about strength training, introduce essential exercises specifically tailored for cyclists and runners, and provide tips on creating a well-balanced training plan. 

Get ready to elevate your game with these expert tips and techniques.

Understanding strength training for cyclists and runners

Strength training is often misunderstood or overlooked by many cyclists and runners. 

Some may believe that lifting weights will make them bulky or slow them down, while others may simply not know where to begin. 

However, when done correctly, strength training can be a valuable tool in improving performance and preventing injuries.

It's important to understand that strength training doesn't necessarily mean you have to spend hours at the gym. 

It can encompass a wide range of exercises and techniques aimed at targeting specific muscle groups used during cycling and running.

By incorporating strength training into your routine, you can develop stronger muscles that will provide more power with each pedal stroke or stride. 

This increased muscular strength translates to improved speed and endurance on the road or trail.

General benefits of strength training for cyclists and runners

Other general benefits of strength training for cyclists and runners

Additionally, engaging in regular strength training can help prevent common overuse injuries associated with cycling and running. 

By strengthening the muscles surrounding your joints - such as the knees, ankles, hips - you create greater stability which reduces strain on these areas during high-impact activities.

It's also worth noting that strength training goes beyond just building muscle mass; it improves overall body composition by reducing body fat percentage while increasing lean muscle tissue.

This not only enhances athletic performance but also contributes to better overall health.

Remember that everyone's goals are different when it comes to strength training for cyclists and runners. 

Benefits of incorporating strength training into your routine

Strength training is not just for bodybuilders or athletes looking to build muscle mass. 

It can be incredibly beneficial for everyday cyclists and runners as well. 

Adding strength training exercises to your routine can help improve your performance, prevent injuries, and enhance overall fitness.

  1. One of the key benefits of strength training is improved muscular endurance. When you engage in activities like cycling or running, your muscles are constantly working against resistance. By incorporating weight lifting exercises into your routine, you can strengthen these muscles and increase their ability to endure prolonged periods of stress.
  2. In addition to muscular endurance, strength training also helps with power development. This means that when you’re pushing yourself during a sprint on the bike or trying to pick up speed while running uphill, strong muscles will allow you to generate more force and therefore move faster.
  3. Another advantage of strength training is injury prevention. Cyclists and runners often experience overuse injuries due to repetitive motions and imbalances in certain muscle groups. By targeting these specific areas through strength exercises, you can correct imbalances and reduce the risk of injury.
  4. Furthermore, adding variety to your workouts by incorporating different types of exercise like weight lifting can help prevent boredom and keep you motivated on those days when getting out there feels like a challenge.

Engaging in regular strength training sessions helps improve overall body composition by increasing lean muscle mass while reducing body fat percentage. This not only enhances athletic performance but also boosts metabolism even at rest.

Common misconceptions and fears about strength training

Strength training is often misunderstood by many cyclists and runners. 

There are common misconceptions and fears that prevent athletes from incorporating this essential component into their fitness routines. 

Let's debunk some of these myths and address the concerns surrounding strength training.

  • One misconception is that strength training will make you bulky or slow you down. The truth is, when done correctly, strength training can actually improve your performance on the road or trail. It helps to build muscle endurance, power, and overall body stability, which translates into better running form or cycling efficiency.
  • Another fear is that lifting weights will lead to injuries. While it's true that improper technique or using too heavy weights can increase the risk of injury, with proper instruction and gradually increasing the load, strength training can be safe for everyone.
  • Some individuals worry about losing cardio fitness if they spend time in the gym instead of focusing solely on running or cycling. However, incorporating strength workouts into your routine doesn't mean sacrificing cardio sessions – it means enhancing them! By strengthening your muscles through resistance exercises, you'll improve your overall endurance during activities like long runs or rides.
  • Additionally, there may be a fear of not knowing where to start when it comes to designing a strength training program. This is where seeking professional guidance becomes crucial. A qualified coach or personal trainer can help create a balanced plan tailored specifically to meet an athlete's needs and goals. For example, we always start with working on full-body strength, particularly activating your glutes and back. 
  • It's important to remember that strength training doesn't have to involve heavyweights only - bodyweight exercises such as squats, lunges, planks, and push-ups are also highly effective for building functional strength.

Essential exercises for cyclists and runners

When it comes to strength training for cyclists and runners, there are certain exercises that can greatly benefit your performance and help prevent injuries. 

Incorporating these exercises into your routine will not only improve your overall strength but also enhance your endurance and power.

  1. Goblet Squats: This compound exercise targets multiple muscle groups, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core. By strengthening these muscles, you'll be able to generate more power while cycling or running uphill.
  2. Deadlifts: This exercise mainly targets the posterior chain muscles such as the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. Strong posterior chain muscles are essential for generating power during sprints or climbs.
  3. Planks: A strong core is crucial for maintaining stability while cycling or running long distances. Plank exercises strengthen not only your abs but also your back muscles, which play a vital role in maintaining proper posture.
  4. Chest Presses like push-ups: As simple as they may seem push-ups are an excellent upper body exercise that engages various muscle groups including the chest and shoulders, triceps, and core. They also help with shoulder stabilization.
  5. Chest Pulls like rows. Bending over and pulling a single dumbbell into your armpit is a great way to strengthen your back and work on your core stabilizer muscles. 
  6. Shoulder Press: The shoulder press is great because it works several different muscle groups like deltoids trapezius tricep bicep etc. It's good because it improves posture by strengthening all those major upper-back muscles


By incorporating these essential exercises into your training plan at least two to three times per week, you'll see improvements in performance efficiency on race day.

Creating a balanced training plan

When it comes to strength training for cyclists and runners, creating a balanced training plan is crucial for maximizing performance and preventing injuries. 

A well-rounded routine should include exercises that target different muscle groups and address the specific needs of each sport.

One way to ensure balance in your training regimen, try alternating between upper-body workouts one day and lower-body workouts the next. 

This allows sufficient time for muscle recovery while still maintaining consistent progress.

Another way is to do push days and pull days. 

I usually recommend, though, a third way: Doing a full-body strength session two or three days a week with a day in between each session. 

This means doing a squat (Goblet Squat), hinge (deadlift or Romanian Deadlift), chest push, chest pull, shoulder push, shoulder pull (pullups or pull-downs) and core work (planks, hollows, Russian twists, etc.). 

Generally, you should increase weight a little each week, particularly with the deadlifts. But make sure you are using good form. 

Don't forget about rest days! They are just as important as workout days in promoting recovery and overall performance enhancement.

Consistency is the key to making effective gains with strength training. 

If you lift once a week, you’ll just maintain what you have and perhaps work too hard. 

Shoot for three days a week during the off and base season, and twice during the build season. 

Proper form and technique for maximum results

Now that you understand the importance of incorporating strength training into your routine as a cyclist or runner, it's crucial to focus on proper form and technique. 

By mastering these aspects, you can maximize the results of your workouts while reducing the risk of injury.

First and foremost, always prioritize good posture during exercises. Whether you're performing squats, lunges, deadlifts, or any other movement, maintaining a neutral spine is essential. 

This means keeping your back straight with shoulders relaxed and core engaged.

Additionally, pay close attention to your breathing technique. 

Exhale during the exertion phase (lifting or pushing) and inhale during the relaxation phase (lowering or returning to the starting position). 

Proper breathing not only helps optimize performance but also enhances stability throughout each exercise.

Another vital aspect is using a full range of motion. 

Avoid rushing through repetitions just to complete them quickly. 

Instead, focus on executing each movement with control and full extension/flexion when appropriate.

This will ensure that you target all relevant muscle groups effectively.


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Paul Warloski is a:

  • USA Cycling Level 2 Coach
  • RRCA Running Coach
  • Training Peaks Level 2 Coach
  • RYT-200 Yoga Instructor
  • Certified Personal Trainer
Six Effective Core Strength and Stability Exercises Designed Specifically for Cyclists and Runners

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  1. […] their progress and hold themselves accountable. For example, one goal might be to add yoga and strength training to your training program. How are you going to get that […]

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