Yoga Strength and Stability For Endurance Athletes Course

For everyday endurance athletes like cyclists and runners, Yoga Strength and Stability could be exactly what you need to build durability, strength, and joint mobility to improve performance.

You don’t need to be flexible, graceful, or be able to touch your toes to get the benefits of yoga

I became a yoga instructor in my late 50s when I didn’t see many instructors who were older men and who couldn’t do handstands or a Full Lotus pose.

And since the biggest reason cyclists and runners get hurt is through overuse and imbalance injuries, yoga, especially the way we do it in Yoga Strength, helps prevent injury by strengthening your whole body and building durability so you can train more.

You also don't need to spend a fortune on your yoga classes. This course is just $27 My goal is to help as many people move better as possible!

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Yoga Classes For Anyone

Yoga Strength and Stability for everyday endurance athletes

Yoga for everyday endurance athletes has three main benefits:

  • Calming the central nervous system and learning more breath control through practice with breathing.
  • Strengthening muscles, particularly in the core, with isometric holds in poses like Warrior 2.
  • Increasing joint and muscle mobility to allow for greater capacity for movement, regardless of age.

Yoga Practice To Help Improve Breath Control, Strength, and Core Stability

What is Yoga Strength and Stability?

My yoga practice is a bit awkward because I don't move very well as an older guy who has broken a lot of bones in his cycling career and lift.

My classes focus on movement, strength, and breath for everyday endurance athletes.

You'll never mistake me for a former dancer or gymnast, just an older guy who needs yoga to keep moving!


paul warloski yoga


I took the Yoga for Cyclists and Runners course. With a focus on hips, and glutes, and reducing hunched posture, this course is a great way for cyclists to make sure they are getting the most out of their on and off-bike days. Paul is a knowledgeable guide as he highlights poses and flows that are beneficial for cyclists but also places an appropriate emphasis on the breath – something we all need more of.

- Steve, 55 yr old cyclist

"I've tried yoga in the past, but was always intimidated by the instructors and ended up dropping out fairly quickly.  Your class was different. I am happy to report I'm stronger, more flexible and better at balancing.  You inspired me to keep trying."

- Paula

Anyone Can Benefit from an Approachable Yoga Practice

It's About Feeling Alive

Yoga for cyclists and runners is not about how pretty you look in the pose.

Your yoga is how you are best able to get into a pose space on that day.

The triangle pose you do today will not be the same as a triangle pose in three weeks.

During class, I’ll describe the goal of the pose, and I’ll provide modifications and the use of blocks.

And then, we’ll do our best to get close to the goals of the pose.

Start Yoga Today

I offer several options to help cyclists and runners improve their strength, mobility, and breath control.

  • Yoga Strength for Cyclists and Runners Course
  • Online and in-person consultations

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Are you ready to take your gravel racing to the next level? Sign up for our weekly newsletter and receive an exclusive 24-page guide packed with expert advice on:

Endurance Training: Build the stamina needed for those long, grueling races.

Intervals: Optimize your workouts to improve speed and performance.

Strength Training: Increase your power and resilience on the bike.

Mental Skills: Develop the mental toughness to push through challenging moments.

Nutrition: Fuel your body for peak performance and rapid recovery.

Recovery: Learn the best strategies to bounce back stronger after every race.

  • Training for Cyclists Over 50: Tailored tips to help you stay competitive and strong.

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Simple Endurance Coaching supports everyday endurance athletes with holistic, personalized coaching to accomplish their adventure and bucket list goals.

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