Simple Endurance Coaching Presents

Unlock your Everyday Endurance with Our Yoga Strength Course

For everyday endurance athletes like cyclists, triathletes, and runners, Yoga Strength will help you build durability, strength, and joint mobility to improve performance.

You don’t need to be flexible, graceful, or be able to touch your toes to get the benefits of yoga

I became a yoga instructor in my late 50s when I didn’t see many instructors who were older men and who couldn’t do handstands or a Full Lotus pose.

And since the biggest reason cyclists and runners get hurt is through overuse and imbalance injuries, yoga, especially the way we do it in Yoga Strength, helps prevent injury by strengthening your whole body and building durability so you can train more.

You also don't need to spend a fortune on your yoga classes. This course is just $149 for six online classes you can use anytime and as often as you'd like.

Reasons To Try The Yoga Strength for Endurance Athletes Course

  • You’ll improve your capacity for movement by strengthening the muscles around your joints. 
  • You’ll improve your strength, endurance, and balance while building lateral and rotational strength and mobility.
  • Yoga puts less overall stress on your muscles so you can do these sequences all year, several times a week. 
  • You’ll improve your lung capacity by practicing nose breathing and belly breathing.
  • You will increase muscular strength, particularly in your hips and core to move better, more powerfully, and more comfortably.
  • You will provide relief for back, neck, and shoulder pain and build better posture.
  • You will build resilience and durability to avoid injuries while exercising.
  • You will sometimes meet my cute little dog, Joy!
  • We don’t take ourselves very seriously. While there can be value in the traditional yoga practice, we focus entirely on moving with our breathing to get stronger and more mobile.
  • You can practice yoga at home at any time.
  • I’m an old dude who has broken a lot of bones so I don’t move well. I’m not a former dancer or gymnast so nothing about me is graceful or smooth, and I struggle to get deeper into poses, probably just like you.
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What You'll Get in the Yoga Strength for Endurance Athletes Course

The Yoga Strength Course for Endurance Athletes has six full yoga courses plus two bonus sessions.

  • Awkward Yoga Strength 1: Warrior - Tree
  • Awkward Yoga Strength 2: Warrior - Dancer
  • Awkward Yoga Strength 3: Crescent - Eagle
  • Awkward Yoga Strength 4: Crescent - Airplane
  • Awkward Yoga Strength 5: Crescent - Warrior 3
  • Awkward Yoga Strength 6: Triangle - Half-Moon
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About Your Instructor

Hi, I’m Paul, an experienced yoga instructor with a passion for helping endurance athletes improve their performance and well-being.

As an older athlete myself, I understand the challenges and limitations that come with age and physical activity.

My goal is to guide you through a transformative journey where you emerge stronger, more resilient, and ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way.

Join me on this journey to unlock your full potential as an athlete and embrace the power of Yoga.


“With a focus on hips, glutes, and reducing hunched posture, this course is a great way for cyclists to make sure they are getting the most out of their on and off-bike days. Paul is a knowledgeable guide as he highlights poses and flows that are beneficial for cyclists, but also places an appropriate emphasis on the breath - something we all need more of.”

- Male Cyclist, 60

“I liked the bike-specific poses and learning several new poses I had not done before. This class has made me more mindful while I am out biking and falling into bad form habits. Definitely a necessary practice for my overall fitness/strength plan.”

- Male Cyclist, 52

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