Off Season Training for Masters Cyclocross Racers: What You Need to Know
Are you a masters cyclocross racer looking to take your off-season training to the next level?
Do you want to improve your endurance, strength, and technical skills on the bike during those colder months?
In this blog post, I'll be discussing what you need to know about off-season training for masters cyclocross racers.
From tips and tricks for staying motivated to specific workouts designed just for you, get ready to kickstart your off-season training like never before.

Off season training for masters cyclocross racers
With the right approach, off-season training for cyclocross can help you come into the new season stronger and more prepared than ever before as a masters’ athlete.
So what should you focus on during your off-season training? Here are a few key things to keep in mind:
1. Strength training is essential for cyclocross success
While many masters athletes focus on endurance training during the off-season, it's important to remember that strength is also a key factor in cyclocross success.
After all, cyclocross is a power-intensive sport that requires repeated explosive efforts. As such, incorporating strength work into your off-season training will pay dividends come race day.
2. Don't neglect your skills
Just because the race season is over doesn't mean you should stop working on your cyclocross skills.
In fact, this is the perfect time to focus on honing your technique and becoming even better at handling the challenges of cyclocross racing.
Training for masters cyclocross should include taking your bike out on some mountain bike trails to practice your skills.
3. Get comfortable being uncomfortable
One of the best things about cyclocross racing is that it's unpredictable and often chaotic.
You never know what conditions you'll face on race day, so it's important to be comfortable.
You might choose to get in some crits, mountain bike races, or gravel races to practice riding in groups and in tough situations.
So off-season training for cyclocross racers over 50 should include some type of riding, like loose gravel, that forces you to improve your skills.
Benefits of off-season training for masters cyclocross racers
If you’re a masters cyclocross racer, then you know that the off-season is the time to focus on your training and prepare for the upcoming season.
And what are the benefits of off-season training for masters cyclocross racers?
1. You can focus on your weaknesses.
The off-season is a great time to assess your strengths and weaknesses from the past season and work on improving your weakness.
By identifying your weakness early, you can set up your off-season training for cyclocross racers over 50 accordingly and make sure you spend adequate time working on those areas.
For instance, maybe your starts or off-camber corners need some work.
2. You can try new workouts or disciplines.
Off-season training for masters cyclocross is also a great time to experiment with new workouts or disciplines.
If you’ve been wanting to try cross-training with another sport, now is the time!
Or maybe you want to try out some new interval workouts.
The off-season is the perfect time to mix things up and try something new.
For many of us, including me, running is something I don’t want to do much, knowing how sore I get after the first few short runs!
But running smoothly over barriers can earn you seconds in a race!
3. You can focus on building base miles.
One of the most important aspects of cyclocross training is building strong base mileage.
Off-season training for cyclocross racers over 50 is a good time to gradually increase your mileage and build a solid foundation for race season.
Most of my clients are either doing long base endurance rides or racing right now.
And if they’re not racing, they’re doing the long rides and a couple of hard interval sessions to improve their ability to ride at threshold.
Setting goals and creating a training plan
As an older rider, it's important to set realistic process goals for your season and create a training plan that will help you achieve those goals.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when setting goals and creating your training plan:
1. Set realistic process goals.
It's important to set goals that are achievable and measurable in considering your training for masters cyclocross
For example, rather than setting a goal of "winning every race," set a goal of "keeping consistent lap times.
Another good race goal is improving your line in every lap.
That way you focus on improving your skills, rather than dwell on mistakes.
2. Create a training plan that is specific to your goals.
Your training for masters’ cyclocross plan should be tailored to help you achieve your specific goals and should include workouts that will improve your endurance and speed.
For instance, my favorite cyclocross workout is soccer field sprints.
Sprint down the sideline, take a hard corner, then recover behind the goal.
Sprint down the next sideline, and so on.
3. Make sure you allow enough time to train.
It takes time to see results from your training, so make sure you allow enough time in your schedule for adequate training, especially now, during the off-season.
Off-season training for cyclocross racers over 50 needs to include a lot of slow, easy endurance riding.
Make sure you’re getting the long endurance rides in now.
It’s fairly easy to get faster for racing; it takes much longer to build a big base.
4. Be consistent with your training.
Consistency is key when it comes to seeing results from your training.
Make sure you stick to your plan and don't skip workouts or take too many days off.
Training for masters cyclocross needs to include the long rides and regular endurance training, strength training, and yoga.
Strength and conditioning exercises for cyclocross
Although cyclocross is a relatively short season, it's important for cross racers to make the most of their training time and focus on full-body strength training during off-season training for cyclocross racers over 50.
Here are some key exercises to help you get the most out of your off-season training for masters cyclocross:
1. Power cleans: These are great exercises for building explosive power, which is essential for sprinting in cyclocross.
2. Deadlifts: Cyclocross is all about leg power, so deadlifts are a must. They also help improve your anaerobic threshold, which is important for endurance racing.
3. Sled pushes/drags: Sled work is excellent for developing leg strength and power, as well as improving your ability to handle quick changes in direction.
4. Plyometrics: Plyometric exercises help develop explosive power and speed, which are key in cyclocross. Box jumps, bounding drills, and single-leg hops are all good options.
Nutrition is an important part of training for masters cyclocross
When it comes to off-season training for masters cyclocross racers, nutrition is an important factor to consider.
Just as with any other type of athlete, what you eat can have a big impact on your performance.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to nutrition for off-season training for cyclocross racers over 50:
1. Carbohydrates are important for energy.
Cyclocross is a high-intensity sport that requires a lot of energy.
That's why it's important to make sure you're getting enough carbohydrates in your diet.
Complex carbs like whole grains and vegetables are ideal, as they'll give you sustained energy throughout your race or training session.
2. Protein is essential for recovery.
After a hard workout or race, your muscles need protein to repair and rebuild.
Make sure you're getting enough protein in your diet by eating lean meats, dairy, nuts, and beans.
Drinking a protein supplement shake right after a workout is also ideal.
3. Fat isn't all bad.
Despite what you may have heard, fat isn't all bad for you - especially when it comes to exercise performance.
Healthy fats like those found in avocados, olive oil, and fish can actually help improve your endurance and power output.
Just be sure to limit saturated fats (found in processed foods and animal products) as they can lead to weight gain and other health problems.
4. Stay hydrated!
This one should go without saying, but it's important to stay hydrated before, during, and after your training.
Training for masters cyclocross means practicing with your fueling and hydration during the summer months.
Recovery tips after riding for off-season training for cyclocross racers over 50
Obviously, you’ll never make gains training for masters cyclocross unless you focus on recovery.
1. Get plenty of rest: After a hard workout, your body needs time to recover.
Make sure you get plenty of sleep and rest to allow your body to repair itself.
2. Eat right: Eating a healthy diet plays an important role in recovery. Be sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to help your body replenish its energy stores
3. Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of fluids helps your body flush out toxins and helps keep your muscles and joints lubricated.
4. Gentle activity: While it’s important to rest after a hard workout, gentle activity can actually help speed up the recovery process. Taking a walk or doing some recovery yoga can help increase blood flow and reduce muscle soreness.
Off-season training is a critical part of training for masters cyclocross racing
With the right plan, you can achieve your goals and stay ahead of the competition.
To get started on your off-season training, first decide what kind of rider you want to be and create a comprehensive program tailored to those goals.
Then stick to that plan by tracking your progress over time and setting milestones for yourself along the way.
By following these steps and using proven methods like interval workouts, strength training, yoga practice, nutrition planning, proper rest days, and more—you can become an even better masters cyclocross athlete!
Three things to consider about off-season training for masters’ cyclocross
- Get in your long endurance miles. It’s easy to build your form and speed, but it takes a long time to build the base endurance.
- Get in the gym to do heavy deadlifts, full-body strength work, and some explosive power.
- Start practicing your challenges from last year’s season. Work on bike handling by riding your cross bike on mountain bike trails, start running now, and work on your recovery and fueling.
Need more about off season training for masters cyclocross racers?
Sign up for Virtual Coffee so we can discuss your goals, ask questions, and talk about making your endurance training more effective, fun, and Simple.
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Paul Warloski is a:
- USA Cycling Level 3 Coach
- RRCA Running Coach
- Training Peaks Level 2 Coach
- RYT-200 Yoga Instructor
- Certified Personal Trainer
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