Debunking Creatine Myths: A Safe, Effective, and Beneficial Supplement for All Athletes

Discover the truth about creatine: debunking common myths, exploring its safety, and uncovering the benefits for athletes of all ages, genders, and fitness levels."

Debunking Creatine Myths: A Safe, Effective, and Beneficial Supplement for All Athletes Creatine is another ergogenic aid that can boost performance, lean muscle mass, and recovery at the recommended dose of 3 to 5g/day Nutrition researcher Jose Antonio did a third review (see earlier articles on protein and caffeine) on misconceptions about creatine, typically obtained…

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Mastering midlife nutrition: a guide for the over-50 endurance athlete to lose weight, gain energy

Discover essential nutrition tips for endurance athletes over 50, including calorie and protein needs, plus smart dietary adjustments for optimal performance

Mastering midlife nutrition: a guide for the over-50 endurance athlete to lose weight, gain energy Navigating nutrition after 50 can be tricky at best, especially as an endurance athlete.  I had a long discussion with several older male athletes about nutrition recently and decided to share my current understanding. (I have a nutrition certification, and…

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Nutrition for Endurance Athletes: Fueling Your Best Performance

Discover the key to achieving peak performance in training and racing. Learn about the significance of low-glycemic carbohydrates, the role of protein in recovery fuel, and how to optimize your eating patterns for success.

Nutrition for Endurance Athletes: Fueling Your Best Performance Fueling your body for optimal performance in training and racing is a crucial aspect of any endurance athlete’s journey. Whether you’re a cyclist or runner, understanding how to fuel yourself effectively can make all the difference in reaching your goals. In this blog post, I will explore…

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Short on Time? Optimize Training to Improve Endurance Performance

The volume and intensity of your training generally dictate how much performance you’ll see. But yes, if you have just a short amount of time to train, you can still make improvements.

Short on Training Time? Optimize Training to Improve Endurance Performance Given limited available time, how can we structure training to improve performance?  Or put another way, what is the minimal amount of time to train and still improve performance while running or riding? The answer is, as usual, it depends – mostly on your goals…

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Strength Training for Cyclists Over 50: Research Backed Performance Boost

Strength training for everyday recreational and masters cyclists could be as important to your long-term success as doing intervals.

Strength Training for Cyclists Over 50: Research Backed Performance Boost Strength training for everyday recreational and masters cyclists could be as important to your long-term success as doing intervals.  The research suggests that incorporating strength training into your cycling routine can yield numerous benefits, from improving power and endurance to reducing the risk of injury.…

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